Learn how to truly embrace and benefit from the Joy, Awe and Wonder Dogs bring.
In this one-hour webinar, you will learn how dogs bring an abundance of “Glimmers” into our lives. Glimmers are the opposite of triggers. Triggers make us feel uncomfortable emotions, such as anxiety or sadness, whereas glimmers are magical moments that bring us feel-good emotions such as joy, safety, awe and wonder.

After the webinar, you will know how to truly cherish these moments with your dog, how to make the most out of them and how to increase your overall wellbeing with the Magic of Dogs. So basically, you will know how to have a more magical life with your four-legged friend.
Register NowAfter the webinar, you will know how to truly cherish these moments with your dog, how to make the most out of them and how to increase your overall well-being with the Magic of Dogs.
So basically, you will know how to have a more magical life with your four-legged friend.

As the world is going through some crazy times, I've decided that there are two ways you can get access to this webinar:
a) You pay the fee, as with any other event, from the link below.
b) I'm aware that money is tight for many people at the moment. Hence, you can donate your time to secure a spot, and I’ve thought a lot about how this could be achieved in a meaningful way. The fairest and easiest trackable task I could come up with is the following:
You collect about 1kg of rubbish in your area (it can't just benefit you...it's about doing something good for others) and document the process with photos. Make sure one of the photos shows the 1kg of collected garbage. Then email the photos to [email protected] with the subject line: Love Story.
Once I've received them and replied with a confirmation, you will be given a discount code, which gives you free admission.
I know this is an unusual way to do it, but I'd really like to give this a go. Because this way, you get free access AND your community and Mother Nature benefits. That's a win-win in my books and I've called this way of securing a spot the “Pachamamaglowup” and you might see it popping up in my other events as well. You will find more info on my website here.
Also, a recording of the webinar will be sent out a few days later.
Sending you all magical wishes,
Birdy, Luna & Pax